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Good Friday
Hello! Holidays are coming! And I'm using these time for good (sinse it's "Good Friday"). I was working on the Menu Feature as it's a must for almost all games...
Hello fellow gamers and game developers! After a pause I'm returning to the development. There were quite a lot of changes happened during this time but I feel...
Action is goind on!
Some time has passed with no updates, but there is something to show! Currently work is going around internal refactoring but new features are also added: - LP...
Safe and Warm place
Hi I bet you (me definitely) are tired of shooting fireballs and killing unfortunate eye monsters. Now if you came to the tower entrance it will move to into th...
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Silence is broken (v0.1.1)
Hi all Today i played with sounds and now you can feel all the pain and joy in the game. Do not forget to turn on sounds...
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Life, death and fire
Hi all at last glad to announce something that could be named a game (at least formally) - version 0.1.0, as it has a goal, score, enemies, fireballs, player ca...
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You are not alone
If you already got used to calmly wander around the island shooting fireballs and stuff - beware! - hideous eye monsters of unknown origin had invaded our peace...
In Flames
Something has changed since the last update. Internally, much was reworked to an ECS (entity component system) - Ashley. I haven't used an ECS before (not count...
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